Report on the total amount of "Flower and Green Tokyo Fundraising" in 2021

Thank you for your continued patronage of HILLS APP / HILLS CARD.

The HILLS APP / HILLS CARD accepts point donations to the "Flower and Green Tokyo Fundraising" as a bonus for exchanging Hills Points.
We would like to report the total amount of donations made by Hills Points in 2021.

We converted the points we received into 1 point = 1 yen, and responsibly sent the following amount to the "Flower and Green Tokyo Fundraising" account as a "HILLS APP / HILLS CARD Member Volunteer".

Total donation amount 10,183 yen
* The total amount donated from April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2022 due to the extension of the Hills Points expiration date due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your support and cooperation.
Thank you for your continued cooperation.

■ Inquiries regarding this matter ■
TEL 03-6406-6410 (10: 00-18: 00)
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